Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reducing Your Website's Vulnerabilities Using WP Security Plugin

As far as increasing your website security is concerned, there are several ways you can do to achieve it. One is by using a WordPress security plugin. This refers to a WordPress add-on that reduces or hides the vulnerabilities of a WordPress site by providing automated security measures that can quickly fix such problems before it gets worse.

Today, there are several WordPress plugins available for you to choose from. So to help you with this concern, here is a brief discussion of some of the most commonly used security plug-ins that you can install in your WordPress site.


This refers to a WordPress plugin that enables a site owner to review whether the comments submitted to their blog posts are spam or not. Its major features include a comment status history showing the comments that have been cleared or marked by Akismet as spam, highlighted links in the comment body to reveal whether there is a hidden or misleading links, as well as spam or unspam reports with more information to help you improve accuracy.

WordPress Security Scan

The second most commonly used WordPress plugin is WordPress Security Scan. Unlike Akismet, this one focuses on identifying the weak points of your site and suggesting immediate corrective actions such as changing your passwords, locking down your file permission, increasing your database security, hiding your WordPress version, securing your WordPress admin control, as well as removing WordPress Generator META tag from core code.

Login LockDown

The third most commonly used security plugin for WordPress is the Login LockDown. This one limits the number of login attempts from a particular IP address within a certain period of time. It works by recording the IP address of a user and time stamping every failed login attempt.

Once this IP address fails to provide the correct login details within a short period of time, the IP address will be blocked from making any login requests, thus preventing brute force password discovery. This is certainly one of the best security plug-ins you can use. Unfortunately, this plugin has not been updated in over two years now. So you may have some compatibility issues if you decide to use it with the latest WordPress version. In case of doubt, consult a WordPress security service.

Better WordPress Security

Perhaps the most widely used and highly regarded WordPress Plug-ins is the Better WordPress Security. It is because it combines all of the WordPress security features and techniques in one single plugin thereby ensuring that no malicious script or code can harm your website. It works by concealing your website vulnerabilities such as admin usernames, passwords and software from potential attackers.

There is only one thing you must remember once you decide to install this plugin and this is reading the installation instruction. It is because this plugin can make some significant modifications to your database and other site files without creating proper backup. To avoid such problem, it is highly recommended to seek professional advice from a quality WordPress security service provider.

Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   Blogging Tips That Will Dramatically Improve Your Blog!   

Increasing Your Website Security Using Secure WordPress Plugins and Other Techniques

Today, there are practically Several WordPress security plug-ins available to keep your WordPress sites secured and free from hacker attacks. Each of these plug-ins offers unique features and techniques to keep your websites away from the attention of cyber criminals who are always looking for attractive yet very vulnerable websites that generate good traffic and income.

Perhaps one of the best WP security plug-ins that you can use is the Secure WordPress plugin. This one bolsters the security of your WP site by removing error information on your login pages, adding index.html to your plugin directories, hiding WP version in your back-end dashboard for non-admin users, removing Windows Live Writer, as well as blocking any bad queries that can be harmful to your website.

Indeed, there is so much you can get from merely installing this plug-in to your website. But do you know that this is not enough to completely protect your site from all forms of malicious scripts, malware and other website hosting issues that can attack your website's weak points? In this case, it is highly recommended to apply a few other techniques in addition to using Secure WordPress plugin and these are the following:

1. Update your core. One of the biggest factors that enable malware attacks is running outdated software. In fact, this factor has contributed to more than 70 percent of all the cases of hacker attacks in the past few years. There are several ways on how you can update your core. One of which is enabling the automatic update feature in your WordPress admin panel.

2. Update your themes and plugins. The second way to increase the security of your website is by updating your themes and plugins. Like outdated WordPress core, old and inactive themes and plugins can also easily attract malicious scripts and allow attacking your website and stealing sensitive information. Even if you think that these things are working just fine, you should never forget to update them to prevent Internet evildoers from finding a single hole where they can easily gain entry to your blog or web site.

3. Make sure your local infrastructure is safe. Perhaps you are wondering how this one applies to your WordPress site. Basically, keeping your local infrastructure safe likewise keep everything you do online secured. As much as possible, you must keep your computer updated by installing software with the latest fixes on a regular basis. It is also ideal to install new versions of anti-virus solutions and software firewalls. These are very beneficial when it comes to detecting malicious software from attacking your web properties.

4. Hire WordPress security service. Most importantly, you could hire a reliable WP security service that can keep your website version updated, as well as the other important aspects that you may sometime fail to remember. If possible, choose someone who can truly identify all the tricks and methods of a hacker and properly fix them.

Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   Blogging Tips That Will Dramatically Improve Your Blog!   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   The Lazy Bloggers Way to Creative Copywriting   

How to Start a Blog Today That Will Result in Years of Success

Now that there are many self-made millionaires on the internet, many individuals are interested in learning how to start a blog that will reap financial benefits. Due to the fact that numerous internet users are enjoying financial success as a result of their blogging efforts, many believe learning how to create a blog that will be financially lucrative is a challenging endeavor.

The truth of the matter is, starting a blog is one of the simplest of all internet tasks. There are numerous guides online that specify the technical aspects of starting a blog. This guide will be a bit different. We are not going to focus on the technical components of a blog. Instead, this guide will provide you with simple and effective techniques on how to start a blog today that will results in years of financial success.

The first step to creating a successful blog is to include content that consistently displays the highest level of quality. High quality content that is informative and entertains your readers will keep those readers coming back time and time again. In addition to this, your readers will be more likely to share your content with other internet users.

When this occurs, you will start to see a large influx of traffic on your blog. This is the key to your overall success - traffic. When writing content on your blogging platform, ensure that it is relevant, up-to-date, and innovative. Do not simply copy and paste the ideas of others or state information in the same manner that others have shared online. Go a step above that and provide information with a twist and a unique sense of innovation.

The second step to creating a successful blog is to ensure that you market the information once you have posted it. There are numerous social media platforms that are perfect for this step. Facebook, for example, has over 500 million active users, to date. Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are other extremely popular platforms that you may use to share information. In the earliest days of your blogging efforts, you should focus only on free or low-cost strategies to market your content.

This will ensure that you experience the highest potential earnings from your blogging efforts. Marketing will prove to be an extremely time consuming task, but it is an essential task that you will need to engage in to ensure the success of your blogging efforts. By following these small, simple steps today, you will find that you experience many successful tomorrows. Remember, blogging profitability and success does not occur overnight. It is a gradual process; however, once you start to experience profitability and success, you will discover that it is consistent.

Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   Blogging Tips That Will Dramatically Improve Your Blog!   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

How to Start Your Very Own Money Saving Blog for Moms

Are you the mom that knows all of the deals? Are you the go to person amongst your friends? Can you go to Disneyland and pay a fraction of what other people pay?

If this describes you, you may want to start a money saving blog for moms.

Moms make most of the economic decisions in the house or are the catalyst for most of the decisions. If you want to appeal to one person in the household, then picking the moms is the best way to go.

Here is how you can get started -

1. Get a Domain, Hosting and Set Up Your Blog - There are hundreds of resources to get started and you can get started immediately.

2. Focus on content for the first thirty days - Develop your writing or your video production skills for the next thirty days. Focus on making at least one entry every day.

Once the thirty days is up. invite your friends to review your blog. Give them some incentive to take some action when they get there or, even better, share your blog with their network of friends or colleagues. You want to wait thirty days because when people get you to your blog you want them to see that there is some meat there.

3. Engage with your audience - Ask your audience questions and let them give you feedback. Listen to what they are looking for and be prepared to deliver that to them. If people feel that they have a personal relationship with the author, they will be much more likely to come back for more. Your best bet is to have recurring subscribers and fans.

Differentiate yourself in the market - Do something a little differently than anybody else. What information can you provide that nobody else in the World can provide. Have that be your specialty. Remember that you do not have to please everybody and you do not want to have a service that is for everyday. You want to target a specific group, If you can speak to that group better than anybody else, you will have more than enough traffic and followers.

4. Try different ways of promoting your blog - You do not want to be married to any particular strategy. You want to have a core strategy and experiment with alternative strategies.

5. Decide whether you want your blog to be a business or a hobby - Either one works but you do not want to be putting in hobby like effort and expect business like income.

Follow the tips above and you will find that you will have a successful money blog for moms in no time at all.

Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   Blogging Tips That Will Dramatically Improve Your Blog!   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   

Promote Your Blog With The Help Of Others

After all the effort that goes into creating and maintaining your platform you most definitely want to also promote your blog! After all without traffic to your blog all your work will be in vain therefore our discussion here will be about how to get new readers by enlisting the help of others! What we're referring to here is how to get visitors to your platform by having others recommend your site!

Here are 3 ways bloggers can use their content to entice people to spread the word to others resulting in new readers landing on your platform!

Be Creative

Inject your own imagination and/or insight into an otherwise 'boring' topic to bring it to life! Quite often how you view certain subject matter likely differs with many of those who land on your platform! Provided what you do present is intriguing enough, people will naturally want to share it with their own friends and colleagues! Their referrals then give your site the 'social proof' it needs to get additional traffic to your blog!

Use Tongue in Cheek Humor

The fact is that coming up with content based upon a subject that nobody has ever seen is extremely difficult to do! Industry updates, policy changes or even just 'fresh' news that may interest your readers does NOT occur every day or even monthly! On the other hand using topics people may already be familiar with and 'weaving' your particular brand of humor into it can make it at least entertaining! People who do appreciate being entertained, and there are many, are likely to once again send new readers to your blog simply for the entertainment value it offers!

Slam People With Your Opinions

Sharing your opinions, especially if they are not commonly embraced by the masses, tends to get you noticed! Now the more radical your opinion may be compared with that of the 'main stream' the greater the chance you'll be noticed and possibly even disagreed with, but as long as it get more traffic to your blog, who cares! The key is to back up the position you have taken with either facts or at least a line of reasoning as to why you may feel that way! Look at Russ Limbaugh to see how effective this approach can be! The long and short is this, getting noticed is how to get visitors to land on your blog!

One of the best ways to promote your blog is to enlist the efforts of people already visiting your platform! By posting content that creates a buzz in some form or fashion, current readers will recommend what you wrote to others resulting in additional traffic to your blog! The discussion above points out 3 ways to achieve the objective of attracting new readers by leveraging the efforts of others! Not only does this strategy save you time but also it is the way in how you get visitors, through referrals, that increases the likelihood these people are interested in what you write about!

Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   Blogging Tips That Will Dramatically Improve Your Blog!   The Lazy Bloggers Way to Creative Copywriting   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   

How Should We Use Keywords On Blogs?

The use of keywords on articles is arguably one of the hottest subjects of debate as far as blogging is concerned. Some schools of thought believe they should be used not more than 3 times in an article while others believe they should be not more than 2% of the entire post.

Nobody knows it all when it comes to use of keywords; even the SEO experts don't know it all. People only try to write based on personal experiences. Only the search engines know exactly the algorithms they use for handling the issue of keyword.

However, there are things common sense should teach us. Writing an article of 400 words with a particular keyword appearing over 20 times would definitely send the wrong signal to Google and the other search engines.

That you want to rank for a particular term is not to say you should stuff the whole write up with that term and pay little or no attention to the rest parts of the article. Doing that would invariably make your work meaningless, worthless and completely useless.

It would be nice to write quality post and spread your keywords throughout the content. This is done after you have carefully and successfully chosen the term you want to rank high for, using the keyword research tools.

The search engines love to see your keywords placed in the first 200 words of your article. So you make sure the first term you have in mind must appear in the first 200 words.

One way to make them count is to incorporate them into your headings and subheadings. In this way the search engines are made to pay adequate attention to your SEO keywords. Remember that your headings and subheadings are different fonts, so they draw Google's attention into looking at what is in there.

Let's assume you want to rank for the keyword "website design", you can start by having 'website design' in the title of the post. Then add 'designing a website' to the first 200 words.

Move further by adding the term 'make a website' into a subheading and explain the point clearly for it to really be meaningful in the place you've added it.

You then progress to adding the term 'website company' to an anchor text or text link to link to one of the topics you have on your site that explains the subject better. You should not just add an anchor text with the keyword when it actually does not link to similar subject, otherwise it would be interpreted as spamming.

Finally, in your conclusion section, you add 'create your own website'. In this way you have been able to use the keyword and the keyword phrases in different areas of your site without sounding monotonous with the term "Website design".

Keyword can appear in more than 3 places on your post. This is highly dependent on the size of the post, terms that cannot be explained clearly using synonyms, and also applying phrases instead of just one keyword throughout.

In conclusion, remember that even as keywords are needed for your SEO ranking, adding excessive keywords to your post could be interpreted as spam and attract penalty from the search engines. They must be used with extra caution.

Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   Blogging Tips That Will Dramatically Improve Your Blog!   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   

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